Three of our students who started who started CIMA just after their O/L at the age of 16 were able to complete their CIMA journey at a very young age which is one of our greatest achievements.
Mohammed Ahnaaf Mohammed Ameer who started CIMA just after his O/L at the age of 16 was able to complete his CIMA journey just at the age of 18 even before his A/L which is one of our greatest achievements.

Excited about his achievement Ahnaaf endorsed these statements by commenting that “I've completed CIMA in two years after starting the course at AME after my ordinary level exams. I would like to thank Tariq Sir and all other lecturers at AME helping me achieve this. One of my experience when studying at the institute was that the lecturers always encouraged us to complete the exams in time before starting a new subject so that we never had any pending exams and this is how I was able to balance my CIMA studies with my A/L’s I would highly recommend AME for anyone pursuing their CIMA studies.”
Yahanika Devmi Wijesundara who just started CIMA after her O/L at the age of 16 was able to complete her CIMA journey just at a very young age of 19 years which is one of our greatest achievements.

Excited about her achievement Yahanika endorsed these statements by commenting that “During the covid lockdown where the whole country was closed for about three months where when all classes stopped I had no clue about what am going to do since we could not have physical classes the online classes were well organized by AME where there was no delay in achieving my success .These classes were conducted through recorded videos of lectures which gave us the environment of being in a physical class. These videos were very helpful in which it could be watched any number of times that you wished to do so where as any doubts which came up could be clarified by contacting the specific lecturer at the same time .If not for the support and guidance given by the lecture panel in AME I will not have been able to complete my CIMA journey in a such a short period with their guidance I was able to pass all my exams without much difficulty . Therefore I would highly recommend AME for anyone pursuing their CIMA studies.”
Mellisa Ranathunga who just started CIMA after her O/L at the age of 16 was able to complete her CIMA journey just at a young age which is one of our greatest achievements.

Excited about her achievement Mellisa endorsed these statements by commenting that “AME is one of the best institutes providing students with the facilities to complete their CIMA qualification. The institute is equipped with a panel of qualified, knowledgeable and experienced lecturers who provide excellent tuition to students. I sat for the Strategic Level case study examination in February and we started case study classes almost 2 months prior to the examination. Model questions prepared by the lecturer based on past questions were released every week and the students had to answer these mock exams in an exam setting and the marks were also given to the students which helped us to improve our weak areas and understand how to compile a comprehensive answer. It also helped us to manage the time and improve the typing speed. I highly recommend AME to any student who hopes to become a CIMA accountant at an early age”.
With a journey of challenges that has also been one that has resulted in a journey of successors, AME looks forward to continuing their quest of helping students maximize their learning and training experience by providing competent tutors, comprehensive material and an organized program . with full educational and administrative support and in equipping students with all the necessary knowledge, skills and the appropriate exam techniques to facilitate learning that will result in exceptional exam success.